If you have an Android device and want to earn money by playing games PayPal, give CashPirate a try. You can also make money from referrals (10% of friends’ earnings), surveys, products, etc Do you have. 🔥 My #1 Recommended Way To Make Money Online 👉🏼 Thanks for watching! Dont forget to subscribe to see more videos from.

  1. Apps That Give You Real Money For Walking
  2. Apps That Give You Money Instantly
  3. Real Apps That Give You Money Owed
  4. Best Apps To Earn Money
  5. Apps That Give You Real Money For Free
  6. Free Money App
  7. Earn Money Apps For Windows

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No programming!
No software!
No downloads!

'Tom, we just got our first $1,000.00 sale in KickStartCart.
Both me and my dad are thrilled'

Caroline de Posada, jdeposada.com

Shopping System Merchant Account Marketing Tools eBook & Digital Delivery
If you are on the fast track and ready to order, Click Below for
Instant 1 - 2 - 3 Signup Instructions

Do you have a product or service you would like to sell online? Do you want to tap into the BILLIONDOLLARMARKET of selling your goods and services online?

Well, you've come to the rightplace! We have ALL THE TOOLS you need to succeedonline!

KickStartCart.com integrates everything you need to do business professionally over the Internet - an Internet merchant account, a payment gateway, a secure online order form, Affiliate tracking, ad tracking, detailed reporting, and much, much more. It's perfect for selling shippable products or downloadable goods or online services on a one-time or recurring basis.

I'm Tom Antion. I have the largest electronic marketing operation in my industry. I have helped hundreds of people just like you learn how to make their Internet marketing business kick into gear. For several years the one thing I would never do was recommend a Shopping Cart to my clients. Everything out there, including the one I was using, was a pain in the neck and extremely difficult to use and work on. THAT'S ALL CHANGED BECAUSE OF KICKSTARTCART!

After three years of searching I found the system that is literally changing the way small business is competing on the Internet. Below you will see how this highly affordable system will give you more selling power than many multimillion dollar websites. Let me show you around a little:



Instant Risk-Free ... 4-Week Test Drive!

In just a few minutes from now, you can be ready for business!

How Does it Work?
With KickStartCart.com, there is no software to buy or install. All you need to do is add a few 'ADD TO CART' buttons from your web site to our secure server, and voila! You're in business!

You don't have to make any changes in where your website is hosted. When customers buy, they simply click on 'ADD TO CART/BUY ME' buttons or links. They then go to a secure order form hosted on our secure servers where they put in their credit card.

Why is this important?
Because installing an ecommerce system on your server is a supreme hassle. I know because I had to do it that way before KickStartCart was invented. It was a total nightmare. I had to have everything installed piece by piece by technical people who only wanted to blame other technical people when something didn't work. The system didn't have 1/100 the marketing power of KickStartCart, but caused 100 times the trouble to get all the separate pieces working. PLUS you get the secure server that is so important for your customer's safety included in the deal. It costs hundreds of dollars to get this yourself.

Here's how you get the money:
Your customers enter their name, address, credit card number, etc. and click 'submit.' With your real time credit card gateway and merchant account it usually takes just two to three seconds for the money to start heading toward your checking account.

If you're selling a shippable product like a tape, CD, book or T-shirt, the purchase is now complete and the customer is sent to your custom thank you page. An e-mail is automatically sent to both you and your customer confirming the deal. . . . Ship the product and you're that much richer.

If you are selling a downloadable product like an e-book, once the credit card has been authorized, the customer downloads the e-book themselves. You get an email saying you made money. This is a thing of beauty. I've sold hundreds of thousands of dollars of e-books and hundreds of thousands of dollars for my clients who have KickStartCart. We didn't have to ship them, print them or pay for postage. KickStartCart even keeps the files on it's server so you don't have to eat up space on yours.

'Tom, I'm doing $15.000 - $25,000.00 per month in e-book sales. The Upsell Module that I couldn't find anywhere else is responsible for at least 30% of this.
Jeff Mayer, SucceedinginBusiness.com


KickStartCart.com provides you with a powerful and versatileshoppingcart system loaded with all of the essentialfeatures you need to make your online venture a success! Many plain old shopping carts (I call them dumb cashiers) won't do anywhere near as much as this totally integrated shopping system (I call KickStartCart a 'smart,' automated, 24/7, professional sales force).

Compatible with Real-time automated credit card processing! (see below)
Digital Products (i.e., eBooks, software, etc.) delivered in Seconds!
Email Confirmations sent to Customers within Seconds of their Order!
Automatic tax and shipping calculation
Internal Customer Database means you never type an order by hand
Supports Multiple Web Sites! . . . This can save you thousands of dollars.
Electronic Coupons and Discount Modules Help to Increase Sales!
Product options capability for size, color, etc
Special Offer Module helps you sell more to the same number of customers.
Delivers paid or free E-courses AUTOMATICALLY!
Hooks up directly with UPS Shipping Tables in Real-Time!
Detailed transaction reporting tools
You can make changes yourself 24/7 . . . and it's easy!

KickStartCart.com provides the tools both you and your customers need with the competitiveadvantage you also need in today's online eCommerce environment.

'Tom, I'm becoming an autoresponder maniac. Your system is allowing me to automate my business with unlimited autoresponders and I'm doing it all myself (except for some occasional proofreading assistance) with your system. KickStartCart has so many features, I'm saving about $2,000 a year by not having to use additional programs.'
Dan Janal, PRLeads.com


This is one of the greatest things ever to happen to small business. With KickStartCart's digitaldeliverymodule, you can now sell e-Books, software and even Adobe PDF documents and you will have NO COST OF GOODS SOLD. This means you are just selling electrons. What the heck? Why not sell a few protons too? hahaha

Once a customer buys one of your digitalproducts KickStartCart eMails them download instructions and sends you an emails telling you that you just made money.

The system not only takestheorder and gets the credit cardvalidated in real-time, but it also delivers a confirmationeMail and the product to the customer!

How much more automated can you get? This feature alone is valued at $600 per year!

'I'm getting rid of my antiquated shopping system and your free orientation showed me how fast I'll be able to do the transition. You saved me at least five hours trying to figure it out myself.'
Cheli Cerra, eduville.com



Do you need to be able to take credit cards online from your customers? YES! Everyone knows, you must be able to offer credit card payment options to your customers. Credit card sales account for more than 80% of all online sales transactions.

We have made the process to accept credit cards one of the easiest available on the Internet!

QuickApplication ... you'll be up and running in a few days
100%compatible ... with KickStartCart.
One of the LowestPrices ... on the Internet.
99% Approval Rate ... with all applications!

Apps That Give You Real Money For Walking

Here's What You Get With Every Account:

KickStartCart.com has partnered with 1shoppingcart (our parent company) and an industry leader in merchant services specializing in eCommerce solutions:

1) Internet Merchant Account
A bank issued merchant account is required for you to accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. It's included!

Apps that actually pay you

2) Secure Payment Gateway Powered By Authorize.net
A payment gateway is required to process credit cards real-time at yourwebsite. This is what connects your shopping cart to your merchant account.

3) Virtual Terminal
You can not only process orders with our Shopping Cart, but you will also be able to take orders by phone, by fax, or in person.

No Equipment or Software Needed
All you need is a web browser. You can be anywhere in the world with web access and take credit card purchases. There are No expensive card terminals or special paper. No special software to install onto your computer.

Our pricing is extremely competitive and some of the lowest pricing found anywhere on the Net!

Low $99.00 one time setup fee (Fully refundable if your account is not approved)
2.39% Discount Rate ($25.00 Monthly Minimum)
$0.35 Transaction Fee Visa/MC
Free Address Verification Service (AVS)
$10.00 Monthly Statement/Gateway Fee (Authorize.net)
$20.00 E-Commerce Gateway Fee (Authorize.net)
$29.00 Annual Fee

Other benefits include:

Guaranteed timely setup: Once we receive your application, your account can be activated within 3 to 4 business days.

Apps That Give You Money Instantly

Accept all major credit cards! You can also process checking account debit cards with the VISA and MasterCard logo.

Technical support is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling a dedicated customer service number that you will receive once you have established your account.

Don't lose another sale because you don't take credit cards. Click Here to SIGN UP FOR YOUR MERCHANT ACCOUNT TODAY! (note this is a separate sign up from KickStartCart)


FACT: You CANNOThavea Web Site, Shopping Cart and a Merchant Account and expect your online business to succeed WITHOUT the necessary marketingtools and salesmodules to HELP you achieve that success! (THIS IS THE REALLY SMART PART OF THE SYSTEM)

Just a few short years ago it would have cost over $100,000.00 in custom programming to have all the tools below selling for you on your website.

What are the marketing tools you need to succeed online? Where can you find them WITHOUT ADDITIONAL COST? Great questions ... '1' Answer = KickStartCart.com!

If you expect to stay in business online, then you will *NEED* some if not all of the following marketing tools and salesmodules installed on your web site and in use throughout your marketing campaign. I dare you to find another shopping system that has all these features at this extremely low cost. I do this for a living and believe me I've looked:

AUTORESPONDERS: Communicate with your customers while you sleep. Service their need for information, training literature and more automatically via our powerful autoresponder email systems.

UP-SELL MODULES:'Would you like fries with that?' Increase your sales revenues by offering your customers other products (for sale) automatically every time they buy! This marketing module is a winner and helps to increase sales!

AD TRACKING TOOLS & STATISTICS: How do you know which ads work and which ones don't! You can't! Not unless you have KickStartCart.com's Ad Tracking Software!

AFFILIATE SALES TRACKING SOFTWARE TOOLS: Need sales? Need marketing? An Affiliate Program is a marketing system that allows other people to sell your products and services from their web site for a percentage of every sale they make. Increase your sales and web site traffic by allowing others to work for you! To run your own affiliate program, you need software to track sales and statistics, organize affiliates and to generate commission reports. Problem is, other companies out there want to charge extra for this kind of software and service. In fact, when I built my first system I paid nearly $1000.00 just for this software alone and you get it included for free.

EMAIL BROADCASTING CAPABILITIES: Send email messages and sales letters to your entire customer, prospect or affiliate database of clients! This built in email broadcasting module allows you to send out any number of email messages to any number of recipients! And the fancy mail merge feature is included. This means each email is customized with the customer's name and just about anything else you want to put in.

MAILING LIST PROGRAMS: Keep in touch with your customer - offer them the opt-in ability to sign up for one of your newsletters! Generate any number of different kinds of online newsletters, then send them out to clients, prospects and affiliates alike!

POP-UP WIZARD:Grab your customer's attention to generate revenue and interest in something special you wish to offer them the second they come to your web site! You can generate your own popup window messages in a matter of seconds with our popup wizard software. Use it to load your questionnaire form to get your users to join your mailing list so you can send them follow ups, weeks, even months after their initial visit to your site. Use it to promote other people's products and services so you can earn money from these referrals. Use it to inspire your users to buy a special offer you have.

QUESTIONNAIRE FEATURES:Want to know what your customers' interests are? Ask them! We include the software for you to be able to generate custom questionnaires for you to ask customers, prospects and affiliates alike a number of key questions, helping you to make the sale, close the sale or perform general or advanced market research.

TELL-A-FRIEND:In a recent survey of over 58,000 people, 81% of respondents said they would recommend a web site they liked to their friends and associates ... Our TELL-A-FRIEND software allows your customers to do just that from your web site! Ready to install, simply copy and paste!

All these features are built-in and designed to help you attract, generate and secure the interests and orders of prospects, clients and affiliates! I can't tell you how bad I wish I would have had this when I first started my web business. Even if you have an expensive old system like I had it's worth it to scrap the old that's not making you money and bring in the new that will. It makes absolutely no sense to keep an old system with no selling features just because you spent lots of money on it. It will keep costing you money . . . lots of money in lost sales each day you have it.


With all these great benefits and features to run your new online business, you're not alone. Our Customer Support Team is ready and available to help you with any question you have with your new account. Email us, call us ... we're here to help you. Our response is timely and ontarget with your needs every time.



We also provide a comprehensiveonline manual to the our entire Shopping Cart/Marketing Module system for your use and access 24/7.


Our computer systems reside on some of the fastest networks in our region. Because of the largeamount of bandwidth and speed our systems possess, both you and your customers are able to access our member systems and shopping carts at greaterspeeds than our competitors.

This assures the customer can placetheirorderwithoutdelay or struggle. This also allows you to access your member account in recordspeed, make important changes or additions to your shopping cart and marketing system when needed!

On the Internet, SPEED says it all!

The sooner your customers can placetheirorders from your web site, the sooner you have HAPPYCUSTOMERS! ... and

The faster you can get your work done inside the shopping cart and marketing module system, the more time you have to marketyourweb site!

KickStartCart.com has the speedyouneed to run your onlinebusiness!

Instant Risk-Free 4-Week Test Drive:

In just a few minutes from now, you will be ready for business!

With KickStartCart.com, there is no software to buy or install. Finally, there's a simple, easy-to-use, all-in-one smart shopping and marketingsystem ...

Whether you’re just starting out or a seasonedpro, putting together all the software and hosting and programming to make your online business work can be a nightmare ...

Spare yourself the nightmare and SIGN-UP FOR *FREE* NOW! Plus, when you make your purchase of the system you get an hour orientation with me personally.

Skip the hurdles, jump-startyourbusiness and enjoy a hands-free income with KickStartCart.com!

Sign-up Today for our *FREE* No-Risk Demo!

Interested in Public Speaking?

Tom Antion, the owner of KickStartCart is not only an Internet marketing expert, he's also an internationally known public speaker. His website on public speaking is a great resource for anyone looking to start their career as a speaker, or improve their current presentation skills. The website is filled with 100s of articles, tips and information on public speaking, as well as a great collection of resources and educational material. Don't forget to sign up for his ezine on public speaking. It's currently the largest ezine on public speaking, in the world!

Need a website designed by a professional?

Ilya Pozin runs a professional web site design company called Ciplex. Ilya has been studying under Tom Antion for over 8 years, and has put together a great company that services those who need professional websites with the Internet marketing touch. His Los Angeles professional web design company serves clients all over the world. If you're in need of a website, that not only looks great, but sells, Ciplex is the company for you.

Instant 1 - 2 - 3 Signup Instructions

If you are on the fast track and ready to move, take the steps below:

  1. Click here and go through the Signup Process. Once you get your user ID and password, login and immediately upgrade to the paid account of your choice. Remember if you want to do ebooks, you'll need the pro version.

  2. Click here if you need an online merchant account that is fully compatible with KickStartCart. You'll be set up in a few days. If you already have a compatible gateway and merchant account, then skip this step.

  3. After you purchase, call to arrange your free hour phone orientation. In the continental USA call 1-800-448-6280, outside the USA call 1-301-459-0738. In the mean time, log in to your account and start exploring the user's guide.

That's all you have to do to be on your way to a substantial online income.


These days, you can find apps for almost anything. But have you ever wondered if there are apps that pay you real money or apps that make you money?

Sounds like a dream, right?

What if I told you that there are actually lots of legit apps that pay you money or give you free cash?

Even better, most of the best money-making apps can run in the background or require very minimal effort to use.

I’ve done the research for you so all you need to do is pick from this list of legit money-making apps!

These apps won’t pay you as much as a full-time job would but using any of these apps is an excellent way to make money fast.

How to Avoid Money-Making Apps Scam

I’ll be honest, while there are plenty of legit money-making apps out there, there are also apps that only offer false promises and only scam you into signing up.

So, how do you know which apps are legit?

Here are the red flags telling you that a “money-earning app” could be a scam.

It promises unrealistic rewards or payments.

Legit apps that pay you real money give out rewards or cash, that’s for sure, but what you earn from them can hardly replace your full-time income.

If you find an app promising you hundreds of dollars upon sign up, and an extra hundred for a referral, think twice because it’s most likely a scam.

It asks for confidential information.

You should never give away sensitive information online, even if you aim to make money. When you sign up with an app, the most that it would require you are your name, email address, PayPal address, and bank account information (for apps that you have to link your credit or debit card with).

Be wary of apps that ask for your social security number and driver’s license number.

It asks you money to sign-up.

Legit apps that pay you real money are free to sign up.

If you’re required to shell out cash even before you start making money with the app, you might want to reconsider joining.

How Do Free Apps Make Money?

When using apps to make money, it’s also important to learn how these apps make money. You want to know how these companies are able to pay you even when their apps are free to use.

This knowledge should also make you feel comfortable about using these apps and help you weed out scams from the real ones.

I have categorized the apps on this list into the following to give you an idea on how these top money making apps work and make an income:

1. Apps that give you free money

These “free money apps”, also called cash back apps, pay you for shopping.

Cash back apps are paid by their partner stores or brands each time you use these apps for shopping.

These apps work like a middleman. When you shop through them, they’ll take you to the store, say Amazon, and Amazon will pay them a commission for your purchases.

But instead of keeping the commission all to themselves, they split this payment with you in the form of cash back.

The best cash back apps also offer a welcome bonus for just signing up, and they have partnered with numerous stores in the US so you’ll have a lot of opportunities to make money using the app.

2. Survey apps that pay money

There are also apps that pay you real money for your opinion, and these apps, also called survey apps, operate a bit different from cash back apps.

You don’t have to purchase anything to start making money with these survey apps. All you need to do is to share your opinion as a consumer.

Survey apps are paid by companies who want to know your opinion to improve their products or services.

These apps then compensate you for the time you spent for answering questions like “Which of these coffee products do you often buy?” or “When will you likely buy a new car?”

3. Apps that save you money or make you money

These apps are designed to help you save money but I have also included apps that make you money in this category, including micro-investment apps.

This post contains affiliate links. I may earn a small commission for any purchases made through these links at NO additional cost to you. Please read my Disclosure for more information.

Best Legit Apps that Pay You Real Money with Your Smartphone

Best Legit Apps that Give Free Cash

1. Ibotta

Ibotta is one of my most favorite money-earning apps because you get cash back for grocery items. You buy groceries every week so there are lots of opportunities to earn money using this app.

This free money app has paid me over $800 in cash back and bonuses from buying groceries alone!

How does Ibotta work?

Ibotta works just like couponing without the need to clip coupons. All you need to do is upload your grocery receipts on the app and earn cash back on grocery items such as milk, meats, vegetables, bread, cleaning products and more.

Ibotta has recently expanded and they are now offering cash back not only for in-store purchases but also online. Among the new categories you can earn cash back from are clothing, travel, eating out (restaurants) and home.

Important: You’ll only get this bonus after uploading your first grocery receipt. If you cannot find any offer that you like on the app, you could buy a toilet paper or Colgate and you’ll still come out ahead.

Want to know more? Read my Ibotta Review here!


Related Posts

2. Rakuten (Ebates)

When you shop online, use this free money-making app to earn up to 40% cash back on your purchases at any of their 2500+ partner stores!


Not only will Rakuten pay you for using their app for shopping, they will also pay you $25 extra for each person you refer to them.

They also offer a lot of awesome bonuses. For example, if you ride Lyft through Rakuten, Rauten will give you $20 on your first ride, plus a $10 bonus for downloading the app here and signing up.

I’ve also made over $300 in cash back for simply using this app!

Want to know more? Read my Rakuten Review here!

3. Dosh

Dosh is an app that automatically collects cash back from your purchases from partner stores into your credit or debit card.

Dosh is free to use, and sign up is easy. It’s best to link your most-used credit or debit card with Dosh to accrue cash back rapidly. Use that card to pay for purchases and then get cash back ranging from 2% to 10%, depending on the store. Whether you use the card to pay for in-store or online purchases, Dosh runs on autopilot, so you can keep getting cash back as you shop.

Apart from paying your purchases with the Dosh-linked card, you may also book hotels with the same card and enjoy $25 cash back on your very first hotel booking.

When you refer a friend to sign up for Dosh, you’ll get an additional $5 cash back.

You can withdraw your earnings when you reach $25 of cash back and deposit the funds to your PayPal account.

4. Paribus

Ever paid full price for an item, only to find out a day later that its price dropped? Use this free app called Paribus so you’ll never miss any savings when prices drop.

The best thing about Paribus is that it automatically gets the adjustment amount for you! There’s no need to scan receipts or waste time finding out whether there’s any price drop.

It also even helps you get paid for late Amazon deliveries. You can check it out here.

Legit Survey Apps that Pay Money

Survey apps are some of the best money making apps out there, and they’re legit too! The great thing about survey apps is that they’re pretty easy to use, they’re usually free to sign up, and collecting points is super easy.

5. Swagbucks

I personally use this app to earn money via Paypal, or earn Amazon or Starbucks gift cards.

Swagbucks is the biggest research panels on the internet that will reward you for doing things like completing surveys, watching videos, searching the internet, playing games and shopping online.

Swagbucks gives you SB points which you can redeem for gift cards or Paypal cash.

It is free to join and if you join below, you’ll receive $5 FREE after confirming your email.

6. Inbox Dollars

Inbox Dollars is another rewards company that works like Swagbucks, offering you a few options to earn points, from watching videos, playing games or completing surveys.

This company has paid over $57 million in rewards and is currently offering a $5 sign-up bonus!

Like Swagbucks and other rewards sites, Inbox Dollars also offers a cash payout or gift cards as an option to redeem your points.

Download the app below and make sure to confirm your email to get your sign-up bonus!

7. MyPoints

Another survey app that pay money is MyPoints, which is also just as fantastic because they give you $5 when you sign up. You can also redeem your points in a variety of ways, including cash, travel miles and gift cards.

Most of these real money apps allow you to earn in different ways. So, apart from taking surveys, you could also earn from shopping online, watching ads, playing games, searching the web, and referring other people.

Legit Apps that Save You Money and Make You Money

8. Trim

If you think canceling a subscription you no longer use is such a hassle, you can let the app called Trim to do it for you.

Trim is a fascinating smartphone app that analyzes all your bills so you can see which of them continues to charge your account even if you aren’t using them.

Got a gym membership costing your account month after month, but you don’t go to the gym? Trim will remind you of that. Even better, the app can cancel the subscription on your behalf, so you don’t even have to bother doing it yourself.

Trim can also help you negotiate your cable bill. If you think you are getting ripped off on cable or internet, download this free app that helps you save money.

Trim works with Comcast, Time Warner, Charter, and any other provider, and has helped its users over $1,000,000 over the last month!

9. Decluttr

If you were quite the hoarder of electronic things, DVDs, Blu-rays, CDs, gaming consoles, and tablets (and surprisingly, legos too!), you might find disposing of them somewhat painful and regretful.

But a cash incentive in exchange for them might convince you. And that’s what the money earning app called Decluttr aims to do.

Decluttr is both an app and a website that accepts the abovementioned products and pay you with cash. You just fire up the app on your phone, scan the product’s barcode, and Decluttr tells you how much they offer for each item.

If you like what they offer, Decluttr will send you a pre-paid box and shipping label to attach to your box, and then ship the box free of charge. Once they receive your items, they will go through them, and then send you the money through a check, PayPal, or bank deposit.

10. Airbnb

If you have a second home, a vacation home, or even a spare room in your house, you can earn money from them by listing them up on the Airbnb app, one of the best real money making apps for those in real estate business.

First, you need to create a description of the rental property, post photos, set the price, and availability. When the listing goes live, people can make sense of what your property looks like, and if they like it, they’ll book through the app.

Using the Airbnb app is an excellent way to establish yourself as the landlord as well as create a sense of trust with the potential guests. The app also comes with a rating and feedback feature wherein guests can rate and comment about their experience in your property.


11. Sweatcoin

Sweatcoin is known as an app that pays you money for walking. It’s a fantastic platform that motivates you to become fit and healthy while earning money at the same time.

Real Apps That Give You Money Owed

In reality, the app pays you a digital currency called sweatcoins, which you could use to buy Paypal vouchers to turn your earnings into real cash.

Sweatcoin works by tracking your steps through the app’s GPS feature and then rewards you with sweatcoins.

The app does not count steps taken indoors, so make sure to gear up for a walk around your neighborhood. Once you’ve accumulated enough coins, you can visit the app’s marketplace to purchase something you fancy, ranging from random knickknacks to a smart television, iPhone 6, or $1,000 worth of PayPal money.

Related Post:

12. Acorns

Need help saving money and investing your savings? I highly recommend using Acorns, one of the most popular investing apps for beginners.

You need to link your credit or debit account with Acorns, and then the app will round up your purchases using those cards, take the spare change, and invest them.

For example, if you spent $3.80 for a coffee using your linked credit/debit card, Acorns will see the transaction, transfers the spare change of $0.20 to your Acorns account. When your account hits $5, Acorns will withdraw the money and invest it.

I’ve been using it for awhile and here’s a screenshot from my account after a few weeks:

I’ve accumulated over $280 of spare change from my weekly purchases and gained $6.32 from that little investment.

If you want to save and save money without thinking, Acorns is definitely one of the best ways to go most especially if you are new to investing as well. You’ll also receive$5 FREE from Acorns hereafter making your first investment of $5.

13. Robinhood

Robinhood is a free trading app that allows you to invest in stocks, ETFs, and options. As a mobile app, Robinhood gets you to invest with $0 account minimum and commission-free stock trading. It’s an excellent app, especially for beginner investors who are looking to maximize their trading profits by eliminating commission fees from the picture.

Additionally, Robinhood has been intuitively designed so that users can schedule deposits, monitor day trades, and perform advanced orders. As a smartphone-based trading platform, Robinhood is one of the best legit money making apps that allows you to invest right from your fingertips.

Best Apps To Earn Money

14. Poshmark

Apps That Give You Real Money For Free

If you’ve outgrown a couple of your designer clothes, you may sell them on Poshmark. Poshmark is a smartphone buying and selling app, and most of the products traded herein are mostly designer clothes.

This is the ultimate for the fashionista, whether one has accrued more than clothing than your closet can handle, or you’re looking to purchase high-end clothes at a lower price.

Have a couple of clothes to sell? You can set up your own store wherein people can like and comment on your items.

Free Money App

LegitApps That Pay You Real Money: Are They Worth It?

Earn Money Apps For Windows

The smartphone is such a powerful device that lets you do so many things, and having legit apps that pay you real money is one of the best ways to maximize your smartphone use. Whether you like to get fit, sell old products, shop online, or answer surveys, as they say, “there’s an app for that.” And if that app gives you money, then you’re in great luck!